Welcome, welcome!

The main purpose of this blog is to document my college work and anything else I find time for on the side. Mostly this will be digital stuffs with the odd scan thrown in if I'm feeling particularly generous, hopefully something here will at least be a little interesting for you, enjoy.

- Calum

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Dominance War V - The Rise of Gods!

My thread on GA: http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19705

I won't cross post everything here so check the thread for more blurb. My character is called The Verse Goddess and her power lies in being able to make real anything that has ever been written. I plan on giving her inky summoned beasties and armaments in the final illustration.

Here is what I've posted over on my thread so far (most recent at the bottom):

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Tooling about with Sai

Playing with some new brushes and shamelessly plagiarising styles at the same time!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Not very impressive

Trying to speed up my process here. This just shows how much time I spend mucking about with tiny tweaks! I think I still need to simplify how I'm laying down the basic shapes on these faces and not worry about smoothing things out until later stages.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Getting a bit faster

I'm not sure if the likeness has quite 'clicked' for me with this one but I'm pleased with it nonetheless. Study of a still from a film.

Friday 21 January 2011

Another (not so) quick value study

Also from reference. This piece just doesn't do the girl justice, she is so beautiful!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Quick face study, from ref

Rusty, very rusty!

Dominance War V mini comp

Final Entry:

Some progress bits and pieces:

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Comicon 2010 entry

Going to start dumping my more recent works on here, this was for the Comicon challenge on Game Artisans.

Final Entry

WIP Pictures

Thursday 3 December 2009

Forgot about this 'un

Messed about a little with this guy (known as the 'Leggy Xeno'). Decided I need to do some more techy/hard surface stuff and thought I'd go down the cyborg route with various bits protruding from said Xeno body. I'm not sure about the metal collar flibble, I might stick to vents and hoses and liquid cooling systems (having long legs generates a lot of excess heat). Oh, and possibly an unfeasibly large weapon, which would be directly wired into the body when picked up.

Inspired, for a short while anyway

Watched '10,000 BC' today with high hopes of there being some funky sabre-tooth action as is strongly implied by the DVD cover. Seriously, how on earth could the people who made this film think it was a good idea for the overgrown furball to befriend the main chappy and actually defend him? At one point I honestly wouldnt have been surprised if the cat had tilted its head, popped those eyes wide and gone all puss-in-boots on us. Psh!

On the flip side however, 10,000 BC features the very pretty Camilla Belle as a worryingly blue-eyed damsel in distress, which is mostly the reason for this post. I've been picking away at this Peggy character since the last post and not really getting anywhere fast, mostly because I got completely stuck on her face (who knew female faces were so tricky huh!?). Producing a face that was attractive took quite a bit of work, and annoyingly once I had that it looked completely wrong for the character, despite not knowing what kind of face would look right. Cut a long story short, I attempted to steal some of C.Belle's features as somehow she just sparked something off in my head. Of course, the face I've sculpted doesn't actually look anything like her, but that is so not the point.

The topology is causing a few wee problems but I'm not going to bother re-topo'ing the face until I'm ready to do the whole lot. Close-up:

Thursday 19 November 2009

Dungarees and rave hats

This is Peggy, the unofficial remake of Nancy (The names are a reference to 'Swallows and Amazons' which was a childhood favourite of mine). The concept is pretty rough at the moment and there are some essential techyflibbles that I need to work out yet but I couldn't control myself and positively lunged into Zbrush. Unfortunately I got a little carried away and forgot that most of her body will in fact be covered. Except for the arms and head of course. The bits I haven't touched yet. Fail.

I may still smoosh the proportions around a bit, we'll see. More to come!

Friday 18 September 2009

Push those proportions!

Vaguely inspired by an alien sculpt I did back in my second year at Uni. First image is an attempt at fake subsurface scattering using a tutorial by Xenomorphic (thanks!). Obviously it needs a bit of work still, as does the model itself (the feet for instance, what IS going on there?) but I'm happy with it so far.

...and in this picture you can actually see the guy!

One day I'll get this imageshack thumbnail lark right first time.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Quickie face sculpt

This fellah is sporting the all new MAN POUT.

PS. What do we think of the wee goaty logo? Does it read as a goat?
PPS. After much faffing about hopefully we now have a compression free image.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Contemplating stone masonry

This is my excuse for not having done much in the way of 3D work recently. Dont worry, your eyes aren't deceiving you, it actually is a patio, constructed by my fair hands. It'll all look much better when the rest is planted and the earth is pushed right up to the edges.

Sadly in the patio construction process my sun-glasses were greviously injured and later passed away :'(

Friday 4 September 2009

One sword keeps another in the sheath

PS. What is with the blogger image compression!? It burns my eyes :(

Wednesday 2 September 2009

I promise to tackle the fur within the next 6 months

Phew! After several aborted paint-over attempts I have finally produced something that isn't quite intolerable. Obviously it is still veeery WsIP (work slowly in progress) but some parts are getting there. The black mass sitting on his shoulders will grow up to be a fine snowy fur cape of sorts when I feel strong enough to paint the damn thing. As he so astutely states, he is actually a good fellow and is in fact one of the royal guards to the Lord of the KarĂșl; a reclusive yet highly territorial race who dwell on snowy plateaus high up in the mountains. There is more fluff but I won't bore myself by typing it up here.

My inspirations here consisted mainly of the Space Wolves (of Warhammer 40k), most depictions of fantasy dwarfs and my Scottish ancestry of course. A helmet is currently in the works, and will be suitably elite and flashy and may even be feathery. The skull is a maybe; i liked the idea of the royal guards being allowed to wear evidence of their former kills, and this chap obviously killed a massive, sharp-toothed goat at some point in the past (maybe even a neon goat?). Next up is....swords! Long, sharp, shiny and with tiny little wolves sitting on the hilts.

Finally, some of the worse-than-the-above paint-overs. Yay!

Friday 28 August 2009

Not made out of mud

Please witness the new topology on the base mesh. I'll have to re-topo again at some point I'm sure but this was just a fast one to even out the p'gons. Despite convincing myself that the face was temporary I'm starting to like the current direction its taking but I'll play around with the head a bit more before settling on a design. Oh, and maybe come up with an actual concept for this guy, I find it sometimes helps.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Grubbing around in the dirt

I've been digging ditches. With a digger! It's almost sculpting..

I call him wipface

Just throwing down muscle mass, very rough at the moment. I'll retopo this sucker next as the topology in some areas is downright scandalous (namely the fingers and toes) which is my excuse for not having touched those areas. I plead innocent gov'.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Friday 21 August 2009

Thursday 20 August 2009

Braiding metal

Just playing really, but how great is it that I can be learning and enjoying it? Decided that knowing how to make a braided steel tube was essential for my continued existence, and after much trial and error here we are. Sadly my laptop can't handle turbo-smoothing more than a small section so please excuse the length of said tubing.

Oh, and this too. Yep, its a block with a groove and a hole; haven't you just always wanted one?!